
Our Vision

We want to promote Saxony as an attractive IT location with a focus on Dresden. Our main focus is the further expansion of the internet communication network. We committ as non-profit organisation for:

Operation of the DD-IX

In addition to supporting the community, we run the internet exchange DD-IX at locations in Dresden. DD-IX sees itself as an open, non-profit platform for all internet participants with a AS in the region of Saxony.

Besides the peering LAN and our route servers for the core operation of the IXP, we run most of the systems of the association ourselves.

Networking and Sharing Experiences

We are a reliable point of contact for organizations, science, business, and the public on issues relating to the internet. In addition to the exchange of experiences within the association and with external third parties, we conduct information and training events. Furthermore, we participate in community events.

Association Work

The association is made up of committed members who work voluntarily for the achievement of the goals. Even though the association seems to be technical through IXP operations we are also involved in non-technical areas.

Participation & Joining

Are you interested in working for the association? We are looking forward to you!

You do not have to be a member of the association to participate. But as a full member you have your own voting rights in the corresponding boards of the association. All legal documents of the association are linked at the bottom of this page.
